Most of the following are 501(c)3 tax deductible organizations and each of them are wonderful partners to Georgia Wildlife Network. Rehabbers do not get paid and do not receivie any government funding. Food, supplies, and housing for animals is incurred at the rehabber’s expense. If you have dropped off an animal in need to a rehabber, please consider making a donation to their care. It is not expected but always greatly appreciated.
Animal Help Now Animal Help Now
Bells Ferry Vet Hospital Donate BFVH
Blue Ridge Raptors Educational Program Donate
Camp Critter Wildlife Rescue, Inc. Paypal
Carla Dyers Paypal:
Chattahoochee Nature Center Wildlife Rehab Donate CNC
Cindy Ganues Paypal: @CindyGanues
Georgia Wildlife Network Donate to GWN
Island Veterinary Clinic Call 912-897-1121
Kim Wright Donate to Georgia Wildlife Network & note "Kim Wright" in subject so we can forward $
Lori's Wildlife Rehab Donate to Lori
Lucky's Place / Jackie Donate
Possumbilities Donate
Primarily 'Possums Donate
Sanders Wildlife Venmo: @SandersWildlife
Savage Hart Wildlife Donate to Savage Hart
Savannah Wildlife Rescue Donate
Smithwick Station/ Sarah Paypal
Steadfast Wildlife Rescue Paypal
Suzanne Anderson Paypal/Zelle: 908-581-2432
The Cumming Nuthouse. Paypal
UGA Veterinary Teaching Hospital Donate
VCA Appalachian Call 706-635-7357
Wild Nest Bird Rehab Donate to Wild Nest
Christy Reeves Venmo: @Christy-Reeves-10
Wildlife Center, North Georgia Donate
Wildlife Critters Circle of Life Donate